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H.B.D.I Whole Brain Thinking

HBDI® is the world's leading thinking styles assessment tool, delivered via an online questionnaire.


It identifies your preferred approach to emotional, analytical, structural, and strategic thinking as well as providing you with a visual representation of your preferred thinking and communicating style

Download our ppt info pack for more information

What are the huge benefits for You?


Opportunity to learn your own thinking preference that has impacts far beyond the business world. 

A great personal development tool and chance for cognitive diversity.


Did you know that 70% of mergers and acquisitions fail to add value for shareholders? Whole Brain® Thinking offers merging teams a shared set of actions, alignment tools, and language to reduce the risk of failure by 60% on average.

Flexible Delivery Approach

Can be delivered virtually via Zoom, Teams or face to face depending on the number of profiles and location of your managers. Great way to bring the team together in mutual development growth. 


Empower your managers to identify other thinking preferences which will be particularly useful communicating with internal teams, clients and customers. Using the HBDI integration with MS Teams supports managing remote workers.

Read more on how HBDI (Herrmann) could benefit your management team

What would the impact be on your business, if everyone understood each other better? If they understood why people act the way they do? The answer is happier, inclusive and cohesive

What if your Sales team knew how to tailor their sales pitches, based on the clients thinking preferences so that they speak in the language of the buyer? Will they be more successful? The answer is YES

What will we learn?

You will learn to understand how your brain works, how you make decisions, why you react under pressure and stress in the way you do and why you like to communicate in the style you do. Sounds interesting?


Now imagine if you could identify those aspects in others just by seeing, speaking, or emailing them - if you could identify how a client prefers to communicate you can then mirror that style when interacting with them (not focusing on your preference but theirs!).

The result -

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How it works?

Each person will receive an email containing the link to the questionnaire. This takes around 20mins to complete.


Once completed they will receive access via email to their individual dashboard displaying their results.


The digital dashboard is home to several videos and extra resources that explain the results and areas of strength and development.


As a certified practitioner of HBDI, Anne East from Easterlywinds Consulting, will arrange a 1:1 debrief or team session to facilitate the team awareness and bring the profile data to life starting the journey to business development.

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Can you afford not to increase your self awareness? Can your business afford to have misaligned and misunderstood teams? Do you want a management team who all think the same way or instead be diverse and whole brained working from every perspective?

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